How James Bonadies Became a Middleman Millionaire

James Bonadies is making everyone rethink the idea of a “middleman” — a term that might have once had a more negative than positive connotation.

It’s time to rethink that. Actually, it’s overdue.
Headshot of middleman millionaire James Bonadies wearing navy blazer and white t-shirt

We met James (@milliondollarsidehustle) just a few months ago, and it took us next to no time to understand how he’s become so successful

Let’s start by reviewing exactly what it is James Bonadies does.

We usually like to explain things in second-grader language—and, lucky for us, James has already done that.

James uses the Internet to be a “middleman” to help businesses connect with more customers.

Sounds simple. It is.

If you follow these posts and learn about more of the insanely successful people we’re working with, you’ll realize that it usually is simple.

James Bonadies: Simple ways to make more money, make more money.

And James is all about keeping it simple.

James Bonadies in his office chair with a mic in front of him wearing grey t-shirt and hat.

James Bonadies: One offer. One ad. One funnel

Seriously, that post is full of value for people looking to make money with their online services. Open it in a new tab and go read it after this one!

So, in the spirit of keeping it simple, here is what James would do:

  1. He would search for businesses in his local area. You can simply take a drive one day and start writing down all the small businesses you see.
  2. He then would ask the business owners, “Hey, have you ever tried using the Internet to get more leads and customers? Like Google, Facebook, or even TikTok?”
  3. Whether they say yes or no, James would then offer to set them up a very simple campaign, and—if he could send more leads and customers their way—they could talk about doing business together in the future.
  4. Then he’d make a basic, two-page website with all the information a new customer would need about the business, and run some ads on Google toward it—targeting people in the local area.
  5. Once the business owner saw that what James was doing was working, James would offer to continue doing it for them for a fixed monthly price.

Pretty simple.

No fancy tech needed here. No big “start-up” money. He didn’t even need to be Google Ads-certified or have a background in marketing.

James Bonadies was a schoolteacher looking for a side hustle. And he found it.

Here’s another video explaining these steps:

Now, James teaches more than 6,000 people how to do exactly what he did: get local businesses more customers by being their Internet middleman.

Not every online offer is what it seems. There are a lot of people out there selling not-that-great stuff for big prices. James is not that guy. 

With his blue collar background and his “keep it simple” attitude, James quickly became one of our favourite people to talk to — and someone that we’re happy to advocate for!

James Bonadies’ Local Marketing Vault course is the first one we, the Inspired Idiots, have encountered that we 100% recommend to our viewers. It’s so straightforward and well-built that people’s grandmas are doing it!

Click here to watch his free training and sign up to enroll!

No one ever seems to regret it!

Inspired Idiots silly face logo.

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