Billionaires Are Epic Failures and You Should be Too
What separates the 1% from the other 99% of the world? What quality do these incredibly successful people possess that everyone else just doesn’t seem to? It’s not necessarily education or skill or connections — it’s a massive portfolio of failures.
It’s a willingness to try even though they know they might keep failing. And it’s this tenacity that most people simply don’t exercise.
Even if you’re not a “competitive person,” you probably still experience a pressure to meet some external standards before you’ll pursue something.
You need certain qualifications.
You have to possess certain skills.
You need to know certain people.
Let this be your reminder that none of these statements are true.
Read that again if you need to:
None of these statements are true.
I was NOT the best writer in school. Whether we’re talking high school, university, or the cult that is creative communications.
I was not the best writer, speaker, anything. There are a lot of people that would agree with that.
If there’s anything I was the best at, I was probably just the best get-shit-done-er.
I was not the most talented, but I was one of the hardest workers. I was one of the early morning-ers AND one of the stay-laters.
I asked the most questions and I was the most analytical—to the point that I’m sure some people thought I was dumb. People probably shook their heads sometimes at the type of questions I would ask. I probably embarrassed myself.
But, at the time, I didn’t really think that.
I’d think,
Okay, you can look down on me. I’m going to beat you.
What I hope you’re hearing here is that you have to throw away this idea that you need to be the best — because you’re probably doing it without even realizing you are.
Most of us say no to things all the time because we avoid situations that we think will make us feel like less.
You’ve probably not applied for a job before because you didn’t think you were qualified.
You probably chickened out of approaching someone because you assumed they’d reject you in some way. Maybe you thought they were too good looking or way more successful or whatever.
There’s probably some type of skill you’ve always been intrigued by. Maybe you’ve always wanted to try pole dancing or boxing or language lessons.
And maybe you’ve told yourself that you were too busy to do them.
Okay, for years though?
Or do you actually avoid pursuing those things because you know you’re gonna be a bottom-feeder of the skill for a while?
This doom-like perception around being the worst at something is simply your ego pounding its chest.
You have to rewire the way you think about being at the bottom. Change the way you feel about being the rookie. Some of you might already have this down, but most of us don’t.
Most of us approach new situations with doubt and anxiety and an “it’s okay to quit” mentality.
“If I suck at it—I’ll just quit. No big deal.“
Well, if it’s something you want to do, why is failing an option?
Why are you giving yourself an out before you’ve even started progressing?
What if, instead, you just said to yourself,
I’m gonna take these classes and I’m gonna be the WORST at it for a bit. I’m just gonna get in there and totally embrace what a newbie I am!
It’s this mentality that separates the billionaires of the world from everybody else.
Have you ever heard that the main difference between a poor man’s mindset and a billionaire’s mindset is that the billionaire simply doesn’t quit?
It’s true.
Statistically, the most common traits among billionaires are work ethic and refusing to give up.
You do not need to know what you’re doing before you just do it.
You do not need to have a head start on people.
You just need to outlast them.
You need to hang in for one more day than they do.
Take one more hit than they take.
Stand back up one more time.
If you’ve failed, that only means you didn’t get back up again.
You failed a class because you didn’t get back up again after you flopped on an assignment, and then a test, and then another assignment. You just told yourself it was okay to stay down.
You failed in your pursuit of a career path because you didn’t get back up again after you were told “no.” You just allowed the “no” to derail you.
Ask any extremely successful person out there how many times they got rejected. They won’t even be able to give you a number.
Jamie Kern sold IT Cosmetics for $1.2 billion — and she got told no SO many times before that happened. She was rejected over and over for three years straight.
Imagine three years of being told that you’re not going to make it, that your product is not worth it, and that what you’re doing is not as good as what other people are doing.
Now, ask yourself if you think you could handle that. Most people would become fearful and think “no.”
How many people can take that many hits and keep getting back up?
But the thing about “the 1%” is that those people chose and kept choosing to shove themselves into that 1%.
So, how do you go from being the person who fails tests and loses out on opportunities to having that billionaire mentality?
Embrace that you’re going to be at the bottom and find some joy in it.
Find a way to laugh about it.
Remind yourself that you can only improve from there.
If you approach it this way, every tiny step of improvement won’t feel like it’s taking sooooooo long — it’ll feel fucking motivating.
The only way you can fail is if you let doubt and fear and rejection convince you that you cannot do it. When people say “you are your worst enemy,” this is what they mean.
You are quite literally the only thing that can actually stop you.
You won’t fail.
You’ve got this.
If you’re considering giving up, we strongly recommend you check this out first.
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