How to Make Viral Content Without Being Online 24/7

“I don’t have time to study viral content and consistently be on top of what’s trending.”

Assuming that you’ve already read our first post on the basics on making better social content, we can first address this by stating that this problem is likely coming from one of two types of people:

  1. Someone who has more time than money, but ultimately doesn’t feel interested enough in learning how to make their content pop off.
  2. Someone who has more money than time, and genuinely does not think that scrolling through social media is worth more than doing the thing that makes them that money.

Which one are you?

Most of the clients we work with fall into the second category (click here if this sounds like you), but we’re going to guess that most of you reading this fall into the first. Right?

Blonde woman looking down on a boat

If hiring a videographer, video editor, or virtual assistant is not feasible for you right now, here’s what you can do to shorten that potentially-rabbit-hole-ish process.

Niche down!

There’s a whole wide web out there! Searching through all the trends and popular posts is time consuming. So, take a shortcut!

Pick five to ten hash-tags that apply to your specific niche. Let’s use the example of travel, because who isn’t trying to be a pro traveler these days?

Start with the classic #travel and see what other suggestions Instagram presents you with.









…you get the point?

Look at the top nine posts that come up in your Explore feed, and list what similarities you can see. Here’s what we saw on this particular day:

pictures of colourful Instagram photos on Instagram Explore page

Now, before you start thinking to yourself

“Okay, so I just need to be a hot girl or scoot over to Europe? GREAT!”

No — that’s not where we’re going with this.

This is a good exercise to get you thinking about what other people in your niche are doing that’s putting them into this “Top Posts” category. 

Are they upping the vibrancy of their shots?

What are their backgrounds like?

What hash-tags do they have in common?

Are they writing question captions?

What kind of thumbnail image did they go with?

What similarities can you find between the posts?

…are you doing anything similar in yours?

In order to know how to make your content stand out more within your niche, you need to understand where the crowds are standing.

Key takeaway: save time content surfing by narrowing it down to 5-10 hash-tags within your specific niche, OR if you want to save even more time and have it done for you—click here.

Check out the next blog post in this series here!

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